Pepsi is curious about whether or not the average consumer will want to drink Aquafina out of a can. Water in a can might sound like a crazy idea, or you might be wondering why it has taken so long! If your company is looking for simple and efficient ways to contribute to sustainability, switching to canned water is the place to start. According to a World Economic Forum study conducted in 2016, 8 tons of plastic enter the ocean annually. The wasteful use of plastic has beverage executives asking the question, “Will water sold in aluminum cans be better for the environment, and will people purchase them?
“Tackling plastic waste is one of my top priorities, and I take this challenge personally,” said Ramon Laguarta, Pepsi CEO. “We are doing our part to address the issue head-on by reducing, recycling, and reinventing our packaging.” The one downside to canned water was that the original pop-top design of a can doesn’t offer the ability to reclose it and save it for later. With breakroom vending machines or employees on their lunch break, they aren’t looking for water they can carry around all day with them. Canned water will offer your employees the same benefits they get from bottled water, only with higher recyclability rates:
Since aluminum can be recycled and turned back into another aluminum can without losing any integrity, it makes sense that cans would be a viable solution to the problem of plastic consumption. Sparkling water has been available in cans for a while now and is popular with consumers. You can set up a recycling bin in the breakroom, and collect the cans, making it easy to ensure the cans make it to the recycling plant. If your state pays for recycling cans (or there is a recycling plant near you that buys aluminum), you can encourage your employees to participate in a collection campaign. Then consider using the funds for a small monthly gathering, like an ice cream social or pizza party! It isn’t about the reward, necessarily, but seeing their efforts tangibly.
Using aluminum instead of plastic also eliminates the presence of microplastic particles. These particles have made their way into the air, the ground, and even our bottled waters! Switching to aluminum means consuming less plastic while also reducing our carbon footprint in yet another way.
Lots of companies are moving to aluminum packaging, including other purified water manufactures and winemakers. Stars like Jason Momoa are weighing in on the importance of limiting plastic use. He even posted a YouTube video in which he shaved of his iconic Khal Drogo beard in protest of plastic!
Using canned water from Aquafina in your breakroom will enable your employees to build habits that have an impact on the planet. Millennial workers are likely to be concerned about their conservation practices and will be happy to see this awareness brought into the workplace.